Zsombor <i>Barna </i>

Zsombor Barna

actor, puppeteer

"For me, the most lifelike Esti is Zsombor Barna. Apart from fitting the appearance of the character to a tee, he gives a virtuoso performance, completely identifying with the happy-go- lucky rascal, and is a delight to watch. He visibly revels in the spotlights of the dark room and in every role the casting roulette drops him."
— Magyar Narancs (Mária Gubán)
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Decameron 2023Budapest Puppet Theatre2023
Sheep in a HatThe Last SheepBudapest Puppet Theatre2022
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Owl, Nyakorr, SutaMisi mókus vándorútonBudapest Puppet Theatre2017
Uncle Marci, JudgeHáry JánosBudapest Puppet Theatre2017
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Nathanael, Sigmund, DoctorThe SandmanÓdry Theatre2014
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Old PolicemanLiliomBárka Theatre2006
Esti KornélLive Magazine TV Show2024
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The BuzzDániel FüzesShort Film2019
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Barátok köztT. Ardai, I. Labancz, I. Márton, J. Molnár, Á. RozgonyiTV Series2009-2012
Szólj be!Junior Magazine2006-2008
FelfedezőkJunior Magazine2004-2006