

Gradus Artist Management was founded in Budapest in 2012. Its roster includes prime artists of divers fields of Hungarian performing arts sector. By implementing the management element efficiently, Gradus Artist aims to provide the most serene and nurturing environment possible for its artists to concentrate solely on their artistic work, thus constituting a powerful bridge between artists and other members of the cultural sector.

Current clients: Artists

Former clients: 
Péter Balczó, opera singer (cooperation: 2012-2016)
Gyula Rab, opera singer (cooperation: 2017-2019)
Andrea Rost, opera singer (cooperation: 2013-2018)
Roland Szentpáli, tuba artist, composer (cooperation: 2019-2023)
Nóra Teszári, TV host (cooperation: 2015-2021)


Vera Meczner

She graduated from The Budapest Business School with a degree in Economics and Commerce (BSc). During her studies, she spent an entire academic year in France on a scholarship. She worked as an intern at The Arts Centre in Óbuda, and then became the project manager for the annual international “Armel Opera Festival” in 2006. She left this position in 2010 to continue her studies abroad. In 2012, she completed a Master’s degree in International Cultural Policy and Management at the University of Warwick (UK). In the UK she did an internship at the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, one of the world’s leading contemporary orchestras.
Upon her return to Hungary in September 2012, she founded Gradus Artist Management while working throughout the 2012/2013 season as International Relations and Business Development Manager for the Pannon Philharmonic as International Relations and Business Development Manager. 
She has been a mentor for the Classical Music Management Training at the Werk Academy ever since the program was launched in 2017. She works as a permanent guest lecturer at the Eötvös Lóránt University Music Department and has given lectures at the University of Theatre and Film Arts (HU), the Budapest Metropolitan University and the Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen.

Máté Móricz

Máté graduated from the Institute of Arts Communication and Music of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE, Budapest) in 2021, besides, he also completed his studies in theatrical management at Werk Academy successfully. He worked as an intern at the 8th Zoltán Kodály Choir Competition in 2018 and at the Danube Carnival in 2019. Between 2019 and 2021, he was mentoring the crowdfunding campaigns of the StageHive website and online application.
He works as an assistant at the Gradus Artist Management since June 2020.
He specialised in computer science at secondary school, then he got a web design certificate at the adult education programme of Fresh Web Solutions.